Creativity and something else


is more important than we thought. Though, now I rather talk about something else… 👀

#creativity #covid #connection

In 2015, creativity was among the 10 most important skills. For 2020 it was forecasted to be in the top 5. Here we are, in 2020. Is it? I would say yes.

Some days ago the internet was blown up from Adobe’s creativity type quiz. (check it here) It exists since a time ago, however, the rise of it came just now. Why?

People usually like this type of funny, visually fancy, short and entertaining stuff. People usually like tests also. We like to fit into some group, to belong somewhere.

This article was meant to be about creativity, but as I started to write down my thoughts, it comes more about „belonging”, about togetherness.

I may write about creativity later because that’s also one of my favourite topics. Come back later, if you’re interested. 😉👏


And something else…

Perhaps togetherness is more actual now. There are a lot of discussions nowadays about equality, about acceptance. We are one. If we just think about the current world situation, we are also in this together.

👉 I suggest to check this video, and this, and just think a bit about it… 👈


What are your stereotypes toward others?’ More importantly, thinking on always in what we are different – think a bit instead on ’What connects us?’ 💫

Today’s world preconditions us to be special, to be unique. To think of ourselves as something different. That’s great. We should do so, if we want to reach our goals, we must believe in ourselves. We should see our specialities, our strengths – that’s actually a really hard job for most of us. We like to criticize, to judge others – but we are usually more strict with ourselves. However, the balance is very very important in this too. We should not fall onto the other side of the horse. (I’m not sure if there is a similar proverb, but we used to say it so in Hungarian.) 😊

Being more empathetic, and seeing the world in a way through connections doesn’t make us less. On the contrary. We are much stronger together, using the strength and advantage coming from our differences. To have a new perspective, to think outside of our comforting box – sometimes we even need creativity for that. 🌟


* for another blog post in English click here