Security or freedom?

Two basic needs of us as humans are the desire for security and for freedom.
The two are somewhat contradictory, yet they are not completely opposite. If we would put them on the two ends of a scale, would be hard for me to choose.

Yesterday was the international day of yoga – one of my passions for more than 10 years now. And as I got to know later, the international day of surfing as well the day before – which was a very new and deep learning experience for me 2 years ago.

Security and freedom.

You have to be brave to be really free. To create freedom for yourself to do what you really want in your life. To be free from the limitations, both the real ones and also those that exist only in our minds. Yes, it also takes courage to recognize and change.
On the other hand, stability is what makes me feel secure. When I’m in balance. Both outside and inside – physically, mentally, emotionally.

Security and freedom.

Somehow like gravity. You feel its presence, it strongly affects, yet doesn’t completely limit you. Moreover, it provides security and at the same time, also gives a sense of freedom.

A perfect balance. Just as in yoga (or surf).
Or what I aim in my profession. Or in life in general.
Cheers! 🧘‍♀️🏄‍♀️