Stretching for your SOUL

There is only one thing that constant: the CHANGE.

Darwin said once, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”

During these times, it is more true than ever.

We live in the world of VUCA. Which means, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity characterizes our everyday. Even if we are knowing more and more day by day in general, there are so many things unfamiliar. The environment is dynamic with many details and interdependencies, and sometimes a significant part of them is unknown for us. Ongoing changes are sometimes unpredictable and even out of our control.

So, what we can do then?

We can prepare ourself to be ready, to be able to adapt more smoothly, to bear the stress coming along with uncertain situations much better. To feel more comfortable within this changing and unknown surrounding. To be able to find the balance within ourself. To be more resilient.

Just as a great stretching belongs to a great training, as our physical body needs the balance – our soul also need some stretching to feel relaxed when our mind, our mentality is trained with all these things going around.

Have you noticed, that 5 from the 7 basic emotions is negative? (Joy, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Contempt) This is not accidental, as all of them means hard training to build up your resilience. And you definitely need them. If you would like to be resilient, you have to learn how to react your own, internal signals. For example, the fear around a safe and sure workplace. Or the frustration of the changes in our relationships. And so on… there are so many situations, so many negative feelings, so many changes to deal with during our life.

And how can we do that?

If you have a negative feeling about the recent or any changes, first of all, FACE IT! According to Woody Allen, “80 % of success is just showing up”, if you face the challenges. Just as you can face your negative feelings, too. Accept them. And besides, practice, get prepared. Look back on your previous successes, and the satisfaction felt after them will give you enough power to take at least the first step.
If you are stressed because of something coming rapidly toward you, STEP BACK! a bit. If the stress squeezes you or freezes you, if you feel you are not able to do it, there is nothing wrong to take a small step backwards. Try to move away from your feelings related to it. As far as you need to be able to have an outside perspective. So you can react accordingly. With the big picture from outside, you can see more possibilities. And you can also recognize, that if it’s bigger than you, you still can ask for help to move on.


Inspired by: Somogyi-Tóth Beáta, Cosmopolitan